-What is the concept of this restaurant?
Indigo concept is beauty and health.
Target customers Indigo went towards is women who featured the health.
Therefore, we are using fresh ingredients food, if it was small ration but not losing the high nutritional value in meal to the menu.
And we are offering good taste from Japanese soup stock.

-Who are the customers coming here?
60% are Japanese, 30% are Vietnamese, 10% are other foreigners.
Until now in Ho Chi Minh City, there are no any Japanese restaurant same like our style that make customer have the new feeling.
-How was this restaurant completed?
With notion that women are easy to get in and blue is the main color.
For Japanese, Indigo color (blue) is a close color, conveying familiar image of human health.
The design must to express ancient features or Japanese spirit with mixed red of the sun and lantern. It shows the characteristics of the Japanese works.

-How was ObjeA staircase affect to the space?
It has become a photo spot for many customers.
After meal, looking at the picture taken by our customers I was think the stairs are simple but very impressive.
We placed a sheet cover the empty space between two steps, so children are safe when they going to second floor.

-Why do the restaurants choice to install see-through staircase?
Because right above of the ceiling have a sunroof, light, stairs take advantage of light will be very good.
The fact that watching 3D drawings, we can see the space design has been unified, the ventilation problem in the house always prioritized make the space looks more spacious, the customers feel comfortable so they decided very fast.

-After selecting staircase are there have any good points or bad points?
There is no any bad points.
Since then, without staircase this space will has not impressed much, we making a right decision.

232 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
093 142 83 99
11:30〜14:30, 17:30〜22:30